Tag / end of life
Walking Around Heaven All Day: A Personal Journey Toward Empowered End-of-Life Choices
Gloria Thomas Anderson’s passion to promote Advance Care Planning has been inspired by the devastating effects of inequitable care provided to family members and her own near-death experience. In this essay, she describes how a simple conversation with her mother turned into a powerful discussion about her mother’s care goals. Dr. Anderson developed the Let’s Talk about ACP program.
Your Life, Your Death: Sharing Your Final Wishes with Your Loved Ones
Read four steps that can empower you to be the narrator of your own sunset chapter or end-of-life wishes written by Odessa Sawyer of the Center for Practical Bioethics.
Case Study – Trying to Honor Johnny’s Wishes
“I know I’m not doing well and that my time here is limited. So, I want you to promise me that you’ll keep me alive long enough to touch my oldest daughter’s hand and say goodbye.” Carson shakes his hand, with every intention to keep this promise.
Governor Parson Signs Measures Recognizing TPOPP/POLST as Equivalent to Missouri Out of Hospital Do Not Resuscitate Order
After more than a decade, the Missouri Assembly approved legislation recognizing the TPOPP/POLST medical order set equivalent to the state’s Out of Hospital Do Not Resuscitate (OHDNR) Order known as the “Purple Form.”
The Case of the Careless Caregiver
Has caregiving gone wrong in this case?
Project Talk
Can family philanthropy advance health, healthcare and science?
Withdrawal of Medicare Provision for End of Life Counseling
Discussion of the Medicare policy to pay for end of life counseling.