Tag / Center for Practical Bioethics
Nonprofits are Critical to Civil Society
Is change accelerating? It’s a question that’s difficult to answer with certainty, but many seem to perceive we are in a period of transition and transformation. To close out 2024, James Stowe, President and CEO of the Center, explains in this blog why he believes nonprofits will play a special role in in this period and why their value should be recognized, upheld and defended.
“Thank You” . . . Ongoing Bioethics Legacy of the Cruzan Case
This blog is Terry’s “Epitaph of Gratitude” as he moves on to the next chapter of his life after retiring from the Center at the end of 2024. Written by Tarris (Terry) Rosell, DMin, PhD, HEC-C, Rosemary Flanigan Chair.
Terry Rosell Retires from the Center for Practical Bioethics
After 20 years of service, including the past 16 years as the Rosemary Flanigan Chair, Tarris (Terry) Rosell, DMin, PhD, HEC-C, will retire from the Center for Practical Bioethics at the end of this year.
Case Study – Challenging Discharge Plans: Mr. Rand Cannot Be Discharged Back to His Long-Term Care Facility
Bioethics case study on challenging discharge plans. Mr. Rand cannot be discharged back to his long-term care facility.
Case Study – How Do We Discharge Mr. Baylus? Challenging Discharge Plans
Bioethics case study on challenging discharge plans in video or print. Mr. Baylus was stuck at the hospital unless the team could figure out the right place for him.
Missouri Abortion Amendment 3 Raises Fetal Viability Issues
Bioethicist Terry Rosell discusses fetal viability in a recent article on Missouri Abortion Amendment 3 fetal viability issues in the Kansas City Star newspaper.