Caring Conversations Webinars Spring 2023
Caring Conversations® Webinars
Advance Care Planning Training
Open to Everyone
Please Invite Family and Friends

These webinars are made possible through a partnership with the Kansas City Public Library.
You’ve probably heard these three words – advance care planning – and perhaps wondered about the process. If so, do yourself and your loved ones a big favor by attending this webinar! You’ll not only learn what advance care planning is, but why it matters and how to go about it.
Join us for one of these sessions to learn how you can ensure that the healthcare you want is the healthcare you get. You’ll learn ways to encourage friends and family members who may be reluctant to talk about these things. Most importantly, you’ll have the knowledge and resources to help you and your family improve their healthcare experience by having caring conversations before a health crisis happens.
For more information, please contact:
Cindy Leyland
3 Quick Steps to Participate
Register for a Session
45-minute presentation
with 15-minute Q&A
Please click on a date to register:
Thursday, March 23, 2023, 12 noon – 1 PM CT
Download and Print the Caring Conversations® Workbook
Participate in Webinar