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  • Case Study: One Small Cut that Killed

    The family wants answers, and so far, all they know is that he came in with one small cut and suddenly died.

  • The Case of Omer: Who Should Talk to the Family and What Should They Say?

    How should an adverse event from a surgery be handled?

  • Case Study – I Know What You’re Thinking

    An African American male patient, age forty-two, was admitted to a skilled nursing unit after surgery for head and neck cancer with lymph involvement, newly diagnosed.  What is presupposed by his “life on the streets”? by his active drug use in the past?

  • Confidentiality in the Age of AIDS: A Case Study in Clinical Ethics

    This article presents the case of an HIV-positive patient who presented the treating physician, a psychiatrist, with an ethical dilemma. We provide the details of the case, identify the ethical issues it raises, and examine the ethical principles involved.

    In their article, “Confidentiality in the Age of AIDS,” Martin L. Smith and Kevin P. Martin present a complex case in clinical ethics. Their analysis examines a physician’s quandary when treating a mentally incompetent HIV-positive patient: whether to uphold physician-patient confidentiality or to violate this confidentiality by warning a third party.

  • Case Study – Walking The Tightrope

    Is this 85-year-old patient “a complainer” or is she in pain?

  • Your Medical Mind

    In their book, Your Medical Mind: How to Decide What is Right for You, Dr. Jerome Groopman and his wife, Dr. Pamela Hartzband say that each of us has a “medical mind,” a highly individual approach to weighing the risks and benefits of treatments.

  • Training Future Doctors: The Standardized Patient

    More and more medical institutions are using standardized patients to train future doctors on patient interactions.

  • Shifting Resources to Patient Centered Care in Kansas City

    Listen to John Carney (toward the end of the podcast) being interviewed by Steve Kuker on KCMO’s Senior Care Live radio show about the need to shift resources to support more patient-centered care and steps the Center is taking in that direction.

  • Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) – Impact on Pain Treatment

    In July 2012, the US Food and Drug Administration released a risk evaluation and mitigation strategy (REMS) for extended release pain medications.

  • Promise and Pitfalls of Transitions in Health Care

    Transitions of Care: Promises and Pitfalls is the subject of a presentation Penny Feldman, PhD, of the Vising Nurse Service of New York will deliver in Kansas City on April 20, 2012.

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