Category / In the News
Ethical Considerations, Precepts, and Recommendations in a Post-Dobbs World
We commit to and call upon others to join with us to act in good conscience with humility, discernment, disciplined reflection, respectful discourse, and deliberate action.
America’s Nursing Crisis: Suggestions on What Should Be Done
On August 4, 2022 the 28th Annual Rosemary Flanigan Lecture was held at Kansas City University. Hosted by Tarris Rosell, Flanigan Chair,
Ethical AI Project in a BioNexus KC Blog
Lindsey Jarrett, Principal Investigator and Program Director of the Ethical AI Initiative at CPB, discusses the project with BioNexus KC in a blog.
Hundreds Connect with Voices of the Unheard
More than 300 guests viewed 72 works of art created by artists Marn Jensen and Andy Newcom, lingering at each one to read the history behind the physical representation of each elder’s wish.
Payne Palliative Care Leadership Award Recipient Announced
The Hastings Center, in collaboration with the Cunniff-Dixon Foundation, announced on May 17, 2022, the winner of the first bi-annual award in honor of the Center’s late beloved John B. Francis Chair, Dr. Richard Payne.
Art of the Wish on Fox 4 News in Kansas City
Fox 4 News in Kansas City interviewed the Center for Practical Bioethics President and CEO John G. Carney about Art of the Wish, as well as the talented artists behind the exhibit, at the Leedy-Voulkos Art Center on May 3, 2022.
Exhibit and Fundraiser at Leedy Voulkos Art Center: “Art of the Wish”
Highlights of Art of the Wish, the Center’s 2022 annual fundraising event, including quotes from the Center’s CEO, John G. Carney, are published in the KC Studio Magazine on May 3, 2022.