Author / Monica Delles
Ethics Dispatch February 2024
This month our Ethics Dispatch discusses the hot topic of Autonomy in the Absence of Decisional Capacity. Other sections include Bioethics In the News, a Case Study and Ethical Musing.
AI in Kansas City Healthcare
This Kansas City Beacon story explains how, since 2021, in the absence of governmental regulation, the Center’s Ethical AI Initiative has taken a lead in mapping out AI standards, with hope for their eventual adoption by all Kansas City area providers. For now, hospitals aren’t required to tell patients when they’re using AI.
AI Ethics and the Productivity Trap
In this blog, Matthew Pjecha, MS, Ethical AI Program Coordinator at the Center, considers what will happen when future best practices run up against the material interests in increased production. Which will give way to the other? Will society ever get beyond asking how these models are made to address why they are used?
Case Study – A Multidisciplinary Healthcare Team Disagrees
Most members of the ICU team, and the palliative care consultant, believe that prognosis is poor and death is imminent. Their patient is still Full Code, however, and his wife and daughter are adamant that providers “continue to do everything that will work.”
Ethics Dispatch January 2024
This month our Ethics Dispatch discusses the hot topic of Multidisciplinary Teams: The Risks and the Promise. Other sections include Bioethics In the News, a Case Study and Ethical Musing.
What I Wish I Had Known Then and What I Know Now about Ethics Consultation
Recognizing American healthcare has many problems without solutions, Trudi Galblum, Marketing Director, writes about the good news that resources do exist that can resolve many ethical dilemmas. Healthcare ethicists can recommend the best treatment and discharge options, relieving patients and families of the burden of uncertainty.