Author / Monica Delles
Employer-Supported Professional Development: A Personal Perspective
Being new to the nonprofit sector, Odessa Sawyer, MSW, writes this blog sharing a fresh perspective on how the for-profit and nonprofit sectors compete for quality employees regarding professional development.
Case Study – ECMO and Ethics
The hospital team understand the importance ECMO has in keeping Thad alive and giving hope to the family but are concerned about its continuation as they do not known when a heart transplant will become available.
Case Study – Moral Culpability for Respecting Patients’ Autonomy
This patient has a long history of IV drug abuse but communicates to the health team that his recent hospitalization has brought some clarity in that regard, and he vows to “give up doing drugs.”
Case Study – Decisional Capacity of the Patient’s Surrogate
With an adult daughter saying “No” to a trach and PEG and a DPOA spouse of questionable capacity what should the medical team do?
The Center’s 40th Anniversary Celebration Success
The Center celebrated its 40th Anniversary with a successful fundraising dinner on April 11, 2024 with 400 people in attendance.
Four Areas of Practical Bioethics
In this blog, James Stowe, PhD, the president and CEO of the Center, highlights the four areas of practical bioethics the Center is focused on today.
Investing to Keep More Americans Healthy
It’s not conjecture. It’s population health science.
Ethics Dispatch April 2024
This month our Ethics Dispatch discusses the hot topic of Autonomy in the Absence of Decisional Capacity. Other sections include Bioethics In the News, a Case Study and Ethical Musing.