Author / Monica Delles
Joan Berkley: 2011 Vision to Action Award
Joan Berkley receives the 2011 Vision to Action Award.
Frontiers – A Bright Future for the Life Sciences
The foundation is set and the future is bright for the life sciences in the Kansas City region.
Frontiers – Training a New Generation of Researchers
One goal of Frontiers: The Heartland Institute for Translational Research, is to train a new generation of clinical and translational researchers.
If we can redesign ourselves, should we?
What if you could enhance your intellectual or athletic capacity?
Just the Beginning – The Supreme Court and Ethical Healthcare Reform
The Supreme Court decides, and now we decide how to move forward to create an ethical, just and humane healthcare system.
Lee Woodruff – ReMind Us about Returning Vets
Lee and Bob Woodruff are recipients of the 2012 Vision to Action Award.
From a Neuroscience of Pain to a Neuroethics of Care
Professor James Giordano of the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies discusses moving from a neuroscience of pain to a neuroethics of care.
Frontiers – Transforming 300 Billion Points of Data
Clinical and translational researchers are now creating data by the zetabyte. In fact, according to Atul Butte, MD, PhD, of Stanford University, there’s so much data that it’s becoming more difficult to ask the right questions.
Learning Health Systems
In this audio interview Richard Payne, MD, John B. Francis Chair at the Center for Practical Bioethics discusses learning health systems.
Chronic Disease, Aging and End of Life Care
Most Americans will die of complications from a chronic disease.