Author / Monica Delles
Nurses and Treating Chronic Pain
Nurses play an important role in pain management.
New Business Opportunities on the Old Age Frontier
Katie Boyer, co-founder and Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Inventive Health Solutions, and Greg Corpier, co-founder and Vice President of Technology Solutions, discuss a New York Times article titled, “In a Greying Population Business Opportunity.”
National Healthcare Decisions Day
April 16 is National Healthcare Decisions Day.
Myths of Healthcare Costs
To which group are we devoting our healthcare dollars?
Moral Reasoning and Clinical Ethics
Shannon Stevenson, DO, MA and Dr. Jason Wasserman, Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences, discuss moral reasoning in clinical ethics – how to define it and measure it. (May 22, 2012)
Mobility and Transportation for Our Aging Population
Scott Helm, PhD, of the Midwest Center for Nonprofit leadership at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, explains why mobility is more of an issue with our aging population than transportation. (January 9, 2010)
Medical Tourism and Bariatric Surgery
Medical Professionalism: What’s trust — not truth — got to do with it?
The physician patient relationship is changing as is the concept of medical professionalism.