Author / Monica Delles

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  • Withdrawal of Medicare Provision for End of Life Counseling

    Discussion of the Medicare policy to pay for end of life counseling.

  • Working with the Aging Workforce

    Steven Joiner, head of the Workforce Pillar of the KC4 Aging in Community initiative, discusses why the workforce needs to shift perspective on aging from one of burden to asset.

  • Your Genome and the Data Risks

    Barbara Atkinson, MD, discusses genomics, privacy and big data in Learning Health Systems from her perspective on the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues

  • Your Medical Mind

    In their book, Your Medical Mind: How to Decide What is Right for You, Dr. Jerome Groopman and his wife, Dr. Pamela Hartzband say that each of us has a “medical mind,” a highly individual approach to weighing the risks and benefits of treatments.

  • Health Coverage for All

    Steve Roling, president and CEO of the Healthcare Foundation of Greater Kansas City, and Dr. William Pankey of Swope Health Services, explain why they believe healthcare reform should cover everyone and discuss the controversy surrounding doing so.

  • The Surrogacy Saga

    John Carney, president & CEO of the Center, discusses where to draw the line between physician guidance and respecting surrogate and patient wishes.

  • The Legacy of Father Kevin O’Rourke

    The wit and wisdom of Father Kevin O’Rourke influenced a generation of medical ethicists and others who struggled with the thorny questions posed by the American healthcare system.

  • The Medical Consequences of Donating Eggs

    Glenn McGee, PhD, John B. Francis Chair in Bioethics at the Center for Practical Bioethics, explains that there can be medical consequences for women donating eggs.

  • The Race Between Ethics and Science

    Glenn McGee examines the implications of the race between ethics and science.

  • The Slow Code: Is It Ethical?

    Slow codes, defined as half-hearted efforts to resuscitate patients, have been called deceptive, dishonest, unethical and deplorable.

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