Author / Monica Delles
Bioethical Issues in the Care of the Elderly
It is in our own best interest to document our feelings and wishes.
Our Health Care System Cannot Afford Its Customers
Our Health Care System Cannot Afford Its Customers Morton Creditor questions why medical care in the United States is totally inappropriate in addressing the needs of its major customer, the aged, and considers the implications of cost containment. What is the impact on the doctor-patient relationship?
Medicare Prospective Payment
The principles of bioethics indicate that Prospective Payment has a moral dimension.
Long-Term Care – Institution, Residence, Hospital, or Home?
Finding quality long-term nursing care is a growing concern for millions of Americans.
The Real Caregivers in the Nursing Home – Certified Nursing Assistants
The Real Caregivers in the Nursing Home – Certified Nursing Assistants Certified nursing assistants are integral to maintaining the quality of nursing homes because they have the most extensive contact with residents. Low wages, stressful work, demanding residents, and little recognition often lead to high turnover rates. With these premises, this article asserts…
End-of-Life Care in the Nursing Home
End-of-Life Care in the Nursing Home – Is a Good Death Compatible with Regulatory Compliance By using relevant clinical practice guidelines for end-of-life care and by incorporating meaningful quality indicators into an effective continuous quality improvement program, nursing facilities can provide quality end-of-life care for their residents while complying with state and federal regulations.
Educational Initiatives in Long-Term Care
Educational Initiatives in Long-Term Care Most Americans would doubtless agree that positive change is a critical need in facilities providing long-term care. This article describes a project in which staff from the Midwest Bioethics Center (now the Center for Practical Bioethics) and Kansas City area experts in long-term care worked to create meaningful change…
Hospice in the Nursing Home – A Valuable Collaboration
Hospice in the Nursing Home Long-term care facilities have one of the most difficult tasks in healthcare: to maximize the health of frail elderly people. However, our society’s resistance to the natural process of dying commands the assistance of hospice services in helping patients and their families cope with illness and death. The presence of…
Cultural Competency – The Caregiver Connection
Cultural Competency – The Caregiver Connection Healthcare that is respectful and ethical must also be culturally competent. This article reviews tools provided to caregivers by the University of Michigan Health Care System’s Program for Multicultural Health throughout its many services.
Caregiver Access to Resources
Caregiver Access to Resources Helping Caregivers’ Self-Identify The reluctance of spouses and family members to identify themselves as caregivers is an obstacle to providing services to them. Caren Rugg describes an outreach program that is overcoming this barrier.