Author / Monica Delles
Medical Ethics – Ethical Issues in Healthcare of Persons with Developmental Disabilities
Ethical Issues in Healthcare of Persons with Developmental Disabilities A Threat to Disabled Persons? On the Genetics Approach to Developmental Disabilities This essay by Hans S. Reinders explores the claim that the genetics approach to intellectual disability does not imply a negative evaluation of disabled persons because there is a distinction between the person and…
IN MEMORY of Sarah (Liza) Rowland Townsend, JD, MSW
Sarah Rowland Townsend, a member of our Board of Directors and an extraordinary human being, died at her home in Kansas City, Missouri on November 26. When Liza (as many of us knew her) was younger, her father, Landon Rowland, would send her articles from the Hastings Center Report, British Medical Journal and JAMA. She… -
End of Life: Advance Care Planning
Advance care planning can play an important role in end-of-life care.
End of Life Legislation in Missouri and Kansas
End of Life Legislation in Missouri and Kansas Befuddled with the laws in Missouri and Kansas regarding end-of-life decisions for you and your family? Officials in both states are working to ensure practical preparations are being streamlined to address vital provisions including, living wills, durable powers of attorney and care outside of hospital concerns. Listen…
Chronic Disease and Aging
Most Americans will die of complications from a chronic disease.
Hospice Care in Prison
Hospice Care in Prison Carol McAdoo, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, discusses end of life in prison and why hospice is needed there. (August 6, 2010)
To Feed or Not to Feed?
David Casarett discusses questions about artificial nutrition and hydration.
A Sociology of Aging
A Sociology of Aging Why are our senior citizens devalued? Do other societies treat their elderly better than we do? What ethical dimensions are involved here?