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Medical Ethics – Lectures and Audio Interviews
Lectures and audio interviews about medical ethics ...
Beyond the Law: A Philosophical Note
Beyond the Law - A Philosophical Note Hans Uffelmann, co-founder of the Center, asserts that the laws of society reflect ...
Case Study – The Role of Literacy in Making Wishes Known
Where is Will Rogers when we need him most? Toward a traditional morality in biomedical ethics ...
The Legacy of Father Kevin O’Rourke
The wit and wisdom of Father Kevin O’Rourke influenced a generation of medical ethicists and others who struggled with the ...
The Race Between Ethics and Science
Glenn McGee examines the implications of the race between ethics and science ...
The State of Global Bioethics
Glenn McGee presented at the International Bioethics Conference of the United Nations and UNESCO ...
Wesley Smith on William Hurlbut – Trending Personalities and Politics in Bioethics
The December 2011 issue of The American Journal of Bioethics features a special “trending” section on personalities and politics in ...
Should Religion Play a Role in the Practice of Medicine?
Dr. Farr Curlin, assistant professor of medicine, and John Lantos, both University of Chicago, address the question: Should religion play ...
Stem Cell Tourism and the Power of Hope
Thousands of people are heading overseas to seek treatments for rare and terminal conditions ...